Ex RAW Officer RK Yadav New Book Release By Rajat Sharma


R.K. Yadav
Former officer of R&AW
Indian External Intelligence Agency

 Book released on 18 March,2019 at Constitution Club, New Delhi.

Publisher – Notion Press, India, Singapore and Malaysia
ISBN 978-I-68466-038-4     Price – Rs.499.00 (Pages 247)

In this book some revelations for safety of billions of Indian if water of holy Ganga becomes poisonous by hidden nuclear radioactive material in Nanda Devi Glaciers

Chapters of book:


1.                 Holy Ganga:
This chapter would describe the origin, sanctity and lifeline of Hindu religion. Details of its source from Himalayas, routes of its flow in various states of India and Bangladesh, number of its tributaries, number of cities located on its banks and other geographical factors are highlighted. Overall view of the fact that if nuclear device lost in Nanda Devi glaciers is so hazard to mankind due to radioactivity, how much population of India and Bangladesh would be affected. Government spending huge amount to clean Ganga from various type of pollutions. These are highlighted first. Then real danger of radiation pollution revealed.

2.                 Dragon Nuclear Threat:
This chapter revealed Chinese nuclear programme in post-Cold war era and how USA was apprehensive of hidden agenda of China particularly its collaboration from the Soviet Union. How US decided to keep tab on Chinese nuclear threat. Details of October, 1964 nuclear explosion in Xinjiang province and collusion of US and India to monitor it.

3.                 Device on Nanda Devi:
How Nanda Devi Mountain was selected to install the nuclear device to monitor the intensity of Chinese nuclear blasts? Why the device containing PU-238, the nuclear material or whatever uranium-related material was meant for this operation was not assembled with the joint team of US and Indian scientists and technocrats. Why IB did not take cognizance of this factor before allowing US to get installed the device on Nanda Devi Mountain?

4.                 US Sophomoric:
This chapter would elaborate the details of heroics of  mountaineering team to carry the nuclear device equipment near to the spot of its installation at Camp Four  on Nanda Devi Mountain in 1965. Ultimately when weather conditions deteriorated, expedition leader Captain Kohli suggested to secure all equipment at Camp Four in a cavity adjacent there and wrapped to the rock with nylon ropes. CIA and IB agreed to his decision. It was decided that atop installation would be done next year.

5.                 Double Jeopardy
Expedition of 1966 and subsequent events when all equipment were not found due to avalanche. Kohli’s search operation to locate the device did not yield any success. Post-mortem of all probabilities including hazard evaluation. Details of categories of credible accident conditions. Same type of device was installed at Nanda Devi Kot after Chinese conducted another nuclear test. This device operated for a short period. This too was lost had HCS Rawat’s efforts not located it. This could have been second catastrophe after 1965 fiasco. US officials took the device briskly and transported to their country without getting it examined by Indian authorities. This mystery of hide and seek was questionable.

6.                 Eerie Silence Exploded
This fiasco was hushed up by Indian Politicians, Bureaucrats and Intelligence Officers for almost 12 years until a US Magazine Outside published a story of this operation on 12 April, 1978. Indian Parliament debated this exposure on 17 April, 1978. Morarji Desai Government. appointed six members Committee of Scientiststo investigate the events of 1965. Some details about  IB and R&AW are to be included here for general information.

7.                 Nocuous Plutonium:
How name Plutonium became so for Scientists. Dangers and properties of Plutonium. How Oppenheimer, inventor of Atom Bomb, quoted a verse from holy book, the Bhagavad Gita, after exploding the first atomic test. Details of atomic bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan by USA in Second World War. Other disasters of atomic material.

8.                 Factum of Indian Nuclear Policy:
Evaluation of Indian nuclear policy under three Prime Minister from 1947 to 1978 when first nuclear blast was done by India. Some unknown details of 1974 explosion at Pokhran.  Its relevance to 1965 installation on Nanda Devi and 1978 media revelation.

9.                 Committee Suggestions:
Analytical study of the suggestions of the Committee based on the findings of Scientists given to the Parliament. There were many unanswered questions which the Committee failed to analyse.

10.         Fallacies:
Drawbacks in the committee report and suggestive measures.

11.            Government Apathy:
Correspondence of author with Government of India and Department of Atomic Energy. Many glaring mistakes of Department of Atomic Energy found in the correspondences.

12.            Thwarting Unknown Disaster
Present day suggestions to locate the device.
